
  • IP: play.fluxcraft.org
  • Rank: #266
  • Players: 0/20
  • Status: Online
  • Uptime: 100%
  • Score: 150
  • Country:  France France
  • Version: 1.17
  • http://www.fluxcraft.org

This is FluxCraft, an almost 100% Pure Vanilla Minecraft Spigot Server. The goal is to keep everything as close to vanilla as possible. This server was built together with redstoners & builders alike, so don't expect any hopper nerfs or reduction in tick speed.

Our server box was hand picked with processing power & preformance in mind.

With members from all over the world, our server location is placed to provide the best ping in all regions.

Now that you've learned a little bit about us, here's a list of all the awesome features that you get when you play on FC:

- A fresh, brand new 1.11 seed to play on

- 100K x 100K world border (expanding as needed)

- Protected Claims (Never have your builds griefed again)

- A player shop world! Sell items for diamonds and get $RICH$

- Ender Dragon always drops an elytra (just like the Hermits!)

- A public spawner based Shulker farm (shulkers don't respawn, thanks Mojang)

- A public Enderman farm (the rates are insane!)

- A dedicated staff who make everything work smoothly and keep us on the latest version of MC :)

If that sounds good to you, here's the server IP so you can log on and play with us today!

IP: play.fluxcraft.org

Discord: discord.fluxcraft.org


© CRG Studios 2018