Players: 580 / 581
Minecraft Servers Online is a new up-and-coming Minecraft server list that aims to provide a top quality list of servers like you've never seen before! Our advanced algorithm is designed to give you the best Minecraft servers available, and not simply the biggest servers or the servers with the biggest advertising budget. The existing Minecraft server lists are dinosaurs, and a relic of the old Quake 2 days when finding a multiplayer server could only be done by a simple online directory. But we're more than a decade past that, aren't we? It's time to step up and find a server list that truly stands out from the pack. We offer the top Minecraft servers online, while still listing some lesser known servers that really stand out and provide the quality experience you demand. No other list around stands for this level of quality, and we hope you'll use us to find yourself the best Minecraft server to call your blocky home!
© CRG Studios 2018