[1.10.2] Legends of Kandorus

  • IP: poke.kandorus.com
  • Rank: #239
  • Players: 0/125
  • Status: Online
  • Uptime: 100%
  • Score: 150
  • Country:  Canada Canada
  • Version: Waterfall 1.8.x, 1.9.x, 1.10.x, 1.11.x, 1.12.x, 1.13.x
  • http://kandorus.com

Server IP: poke.kandorus.com
Pixelmon Version: 5.1.3
Website: http://kandorus.com/

The members of the Kandorus team seek to bring players the best Pixelmon experience to date. We believe that Pixelmon should be just as adventurous as the games and that is what we have created! Come and be one of the first explore the newly discovered region of Kandorus!

-Immerse yourself in an interactive story like in the Pokemon games!
-Dive into the stories with cutscenes and extensive lore!
A Custom Map
-Explore the beautiful survival maps and realms of Kandorus!
A Linear Leveling Experience
-Fight Pixelmon that are in theyour level range!
-Never fear being attacked by a Pixelmon a higher level than you!
Customized Spawning
-Pixelmon spawn at different rates than normal Pixelmon
-New Realms will come with new special spawn sets in their own unique world
Custom Legendary System
-Don't race other players to Legendaries!
-Find rare Legendary drop items by beating normal Pixelmon throughout Kandorus to earn your Legendaries!
Custom NPCS
-Talk to NPCs to learn about the story or get information!
-Obtain and complete quests to earn reputation and rewards!
-Show off your accomplishments by earning custom Titles!
-Earn achievements by completing tasks to earn player levels and neat titles!
And there's much more to come!

Even more coming soon!


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