Loka Minecraft

  • IP: play.lokamc.com
  • Rank: #65
  • Players: 29/200
  • Status: Online
  • Uptime: 100%
  • Score: 228
  • Country:  - -
  • Version: Velocity 1.7.2-1.20.2
  • http://lokamc.com/

Loka is a Semi-Vanilla, PvP Survival Server that uses custom plugins to create a one of a kind Minecraft experience. For PvP types, we have custom, rated PvP including 1v1 and 2v2 arenas and battlegrounds if that is your style.

We also sport a powerful custom Market system where you can buy and sell things with a common currency of ores. In terms of Survival, we have no chest protection and thievery/murder is allowed (within reason).

Loka has a very rich backstory and has elements of RP among those who wish it.

Trade, PvP, Thievery, Roleplay, Simply Survival, Incredible towns, Loka has everything you want. Come join us and forge your story.



© CRG Studios 2018